From 153.5 kg to 115 kg in 6 months
At 6’1” and 153.5 kg, was a big presence in any room he walked into. While he loved the spotlight and didn’t necessarily hate the way he looked, the 50 year-old knew that his weight could pose certain health risks as the time went on. So, rather than going on some of the fad diets that he had experimented with in the past, Umar Zaman joined ALTmed Lifestyle program. Where in the first place they find the reasons, why You’re not losing the weight.
In his own words!
“I was diagnosed with high blood pressure/ hypertension, high cholesterol, fatty liver disease, and sleep Apnea, among other things, “I knew it was all because of my Lifestyle and eating habits, but I just couldn’t stop.”
But when the Doctors warned him about Obesity, that it does come with a lot of health risks, it became a wake-up call for him to make his physical health a priority. “What he was going through wasn’t his choice,” he said. “What I was doing to myself was.”
By cutting out all the junk food and replacing it with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, protein, and ALTmed lifestyle protocol, he lost 38.5 kg in 6 months.
“The best advice that I can give is to find a motivation to change,” he said. “For me, it was ALTmed Lifestyle Clinic where I learnt that once you find that reason and commit to it, you’re good to go.”
For the first time in his life, he was motivated to lose weight not for the sake of looking good, but for personal wellness and improving his health—an approach that changed everything.
“I wanted to be able to play an active role in my life rather than watching from the couch,” I wanted to be able to move without being in pain. I wanted to live instead of just exist.”
“At the end of the day when all is said and done, it’s not about the weight you lose, it’s about the life you gain,” He said.
“It was hugely beneficial to have the ALTmed Lifestyle support system with me,” he said. “They always have a support system to keep you in check and that was really helpful and important for me.
Now I Don’t Diet. I Just Eat. According To My existing Body chemistry.
As a result, Umar Zaman Khan lost 38.5 kg in just 6 months , and now, he hopes to inspire others to put in the hard but rewarding work it takes to make a weight loss transformation with ALTmed Lifestyle Weight loss program.